Condensation Control
Condensation is a condition that affects many homes and has probably become the major cause of environmental dampness within a property in more recent years. Condensation is particularly common in homes which are poorly heated and poorly insulated and tends to be more common during the colder winter months.
Within a building there is always some moisture in the air, with warm air inside the building able to hold more water than cold air. The higher the temperature of the internal air, the more water vapour it can hold. When this air becomes cooled it reaches a temperature where it can no longer hold the water vapour, referred to as the ‘dew point’. The problems of condensation can lead to staining and mould growth, damaging wall paper, wall surfaces, furniture and clothing. Often the first signs of condensation is the development of mould growth, this being black, white, yellow or green in colour.
We can also fit Passyfier vents into buildings which can aid in condensation control. Passyfier vents combine a through the wall warm telescopic sleeve with a louvered vent at each end and a sloping slab of mineral wool inside. These type of vents are non-mechanical and take advantage of the difference in the normally higher partial moisture vapour pressure inside an occupied building than that on the colder outside.
There are a number of control measures that can be implemented in order to reduce the likelihood of condensation occurring and further guidance can be provided by ourselves.
Maintaining a reasonable balance between heating, ventilation and insulation can often reduce excessive condensation issues.
However, a review of lifestyle and occupation of the property is often necessary. Regular cleaning away of mould is vital and should be undertaken using a fungicidal wash solution. Whenever practical, background ventilation levels should be maintained and during periods of colder weather a low level consistent background heating provided. The use of a de-humidifier should also aid in reducing high atmospheric moisture levels.
Our Surveyors are experienced in advising on condensation issues and correctly identifying dampness problems with properties.